We need mindfulness precisely because "reality" and all its problems and heartaches will kill off our
capabilities as free people if we aren't mindful. The recognition of limits, then, is crucial.
I can not solve
"X" problem, I can bring resource and intelligence to it. And I can say, "A better mind than mine will do
better in trying to solve this problem X."
For a writer "beauty and truth" are far greater guides to
mindfulness. It is not imposed but revealed after swimming in the depths of knowledge and wisdom;
Does it save us? It makes us better which comes to the same thing. If "reality" fails totally and collapses
on all then we still believe a small photon of mindfulness will survive to seed the future. It is belief
rather than fact but belief is strong and powerful.
Any "vision" or "huge proposal" has to ask several questions first: "What has been or is being done right
now on behalf of this problem? What has or is right about the solutions, what works? What has been a
waste and doesn't work? Do that first. That's especially true of visions that have been around for 50
years or, even, 5000 years.
At some point the "culture" is going to get very tired of itself. Exhaustion, too, is an agent of change.