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The old San Francisco Examiner is going "free," while the Hearst
laments the demise of a once, great paper.
A journalism professor tries to debunk the notion that
competition among media results in better journalism.
There's a shake-up at Fast Company.
Posted February 25, 2003
Here are some tips if you are stuck in a job search.
The story of one man's journey for a newspaper job.
Posted February 21, 2003
An interview with Roger Fidler, Director of the Institute for CyberInformation at Kent State University,
on the future of the newspaper. He see's a blending of old and new.
Business 2.0 asks, "How much are you worth?" The article
is worth reading. Look what representative
job titles
in Media are getting.
Posted February 20, 2003
Quite frankly, I've never heard of a
ski writer but here's the low-down on what it takes. If you know a particular sport and
can write, you can make some money.
Here's a list of positions in the south
and southwest both in print and TV.
People write Sunoasis all the time asking, "what's a copywriter?
Here's a brief synopsis of what a catalog copywriter does.
Posted February 19, 2003
Reuters is cutting 3,000 jobs. "It's pretty appalling," says one fund manager.
This is a review of a book that looks harshly at today's journalists.
Posted February 18, 2003
The guy who wrote "What Color Is Your Parachute," has some
extensive and sound advice on the
variety of depressions that occur to the unemployed.
Be one of the first journalists on your block to own a
mobile phone/digital camera. At least check out the specs.
Posted February 13, 2003
An interesting flare-up in academia over using a book in a journalism
Where are the hotties these days? Perhaps in the classified section
of Harvard Magazine. The interesting thing is that most of the ads are ghost-written by a clever
writer in Boston. Look at her fees.
Both these articles provide
sound advice for young freelance writers.
Posted February 11, 2003
The unemployment rate dropped a bit in January due to the
addition of jobs in the retail sector. However, one economist
warns that the January good news will not be repeated for awhile.
Posted February 7, 2003
There is an
argument for "overstaffing" newspapers. It's called coverage of the local area.
If war breaks out in Iraq it will be the first war covered by the Internet.
I guess that's a hint of the future: Newspapers cover the local area, the Net covers the globe.
Apparently, the staff of the Wall Street Journal aren't happy.
Posted February 6, 2003
Why we are here: As we've mentioned in Sunoasis , the
Net will become the major medium when a new generation arises whose habits have
been formed by the computer screen. This story verifies that.
For good measure, let us say that
the Net is seen as more informative than TV, radio, or newspapers.
Posted February 5, 2003
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on writing, employment, careers, etc. just fill out the box below
and send away. The most resourceful will get posted.
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