- Employment of writers and editors is expected to increase faster than the average for all occupations through the year 2010.
- Employment of salaried writers and editors for newspapers, periodicals, book publishers, and nonprofit organizations is expected to increase as demand grows for their publications.
- Magazines and other periodicals increasingly are developing market niches, appealing to readers with special interests.
- Online publications and services are growing in number and sophistication, spurring the demand for writers and editors.
- Businesses and organizations are developing newsletters and Internet websites and more companies are experimenting with publishing materials directly for the Internet.
- Advertising and public relations agencies, which also are growing, should be another source of new jobs.
- Demand for technical writers and writers with expertise in specialty areas, such as law, medicine, or economics, is expected to increase because of the continuing expansion of scientific and technical information and the need to communicate it to others.
- In addition to job openings created by employment growth, many openings will occur as experienced workers retire, transfer to other occupations, or leave the labor force.
- Despite projections of fast employment growth and numerous replacement needs, the outlook for most writing and editing jobs is expected to be competitive.
Median annual earnings for salaried writers and authors were $42,270 in 2000:
- The middle 50 percent earned between $29,090 and $57,330
- The lowest 10 percent earned less than $20,290
- The highest 10 percent earned more than $81,370
Median annual earnings were $26,470 in the newspaper industry.
Median annual earnings for salaried technical writers were $47,790 in 2000.
- The middle 50 percent earned between $37,280 and $60,000
- The lowest 10 percent earned less than $28,890
- The highest 10 percent earned more than $74,360
Median annual earnings in computer and data processing services were $51,220.
Median annual earnings for salaried editors were $39,370 in 2000.
- The middle 50 percent earned between $28,880 and $54,320
- The lowest 10 percent earned less than $22,460
- The highest 10 percent earned more than $73,330
Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of editors were as follows:
Computer and data processing services: $45,800
Periodicals: 42,560
Newspapers: 37,560
Books: 37,550
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David Eide
Copyright 2000-2009
Employment Facts (From the U.S. Government Dept. of Labor)
- Writers and editors held about 305,000 jobs in 2000.
- About 126,000 jobs were for writers and authors;
- 57,000 were for technical writers;
- 122,000 were for editors.
- Nearly one-fourth of jobs for writers and editors were salaried positions with newspapers, magazines, and book publishers.
- Substantial numbers, mostly technical writers, work for computer software firms.
- Other salaried writers and editors work in educational facilities, advertising agencies, radio and television broadcasting studios, public relations firms, and business and nonprofit organizations, such as professional associations, labor unions, and religious organizations.
- Some develop publications and technical materials for government agencies or write for motion picture companies.
- Jobs with major book publishers, magazines, broadcasting companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms are concentrated in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.
- Jobs with newspapers, business and professional journals, and technical and trade magazines are more widely dispersed throughout the country.
- Thousands of other individuals work as freelance writers, earning some income from their articles, books, and less commonly, television and movie scripts. Most support themselves with income derived from other sources.
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