The Cambridge Cuckold
Just Nod, Diane
I cannot tell you, you know
how the roses are hippy and nod
with drink
where the gutter rusts a small grin
how the roses are hippy and nod
rain and rust tonic
to the meter-maids lunching on sandwich
small and pleasant teeth blooming lettuce
rain and rust tonic
tongue tastes of penny and aerated soil
sidewalk sodden in gold leaf slippers
I am satisfied
tongue tastes of penny and aerated soil
it seeps to a guttural "O," you know
how the day is an esophagus you slip down
how you try not to struggle too much
it seeps to a guttural "O," you know
the trees feather out in your eyes
lash themselves swiftly to sleep
beat my windows blind, you see
the trees feather out in your eyes
and brush you
clean in ultra-violet showers
I said, you blink and the steam changes seasons
how the roses are hippy and nod
I cannot tell you, you know
small and pleasant teeth blooming lettuce
I cannot tell you, you know
Karyna McGlynn's work has recently been published in Wild Violet
Magazine, Roar Shock, Unmade Magazine and Circle
Magazine. She's active in the Seattle poetry and
spoken-word scene—frequently giving readings at area
high schools as part of Northwest Spoken-Word Lab’s
“Poet’s in the Schools” program. This summer, as a
two-time team veteran, she coached the 2002 Seattle Slam
Team to a spot in the National Poetry Slam Finals in
Minneapolis. She's currently finishing her BFA in
Writing and plan to pursue my MFA in Poetry after
graduation. Her ongoing crusade is to "find a meeting of
the minds between academic-oriented poetry and
performance-oriented poetry—I believe that if both
disciplines studied and embraced one another, a
beautiful hybrid would form, neither an antiquity nor
a fad, that all poetry would move forward into the
21st century as a vital art form."
Contact Karyna McGlynn at: decocherries@yahoo.com