Late Voices
Arrangement by Tones
Silence is
the color in
a blind man's eye,
his red octaves
screaming two shades
of peace in sanguine vibrato,
a purple strike
lamenting rivers
and roads lashed in his mind,
like a crow's
endless cawing
of blackness anticipates nothing.
And now,
for all my listening,
it is your hand on my heart,
the mute fingers
letting out the slack
where your mouth reached,
your moving away,
a pale green evening
down the memory of a pasture.
Tom Sheehan, retired for 12 years, has work in or coming in The Paumanok Review, Tryst, Comrades, Literary Potpourri, storySouth, Small Spiral Notebook, 3amMagazine, Eastoftheweb, Stirring, Samsara, Three Candles, Kudzu Monthly, Megaera, and Dakota House Journal, Burning Word, among others. He was cited with a Silver Rose Award for Excellence in the Short Story by ART (one of 12 awards out of a 1000 stories reviewed), nominated for Pushcart prize and for inclusion in The Zine Yearbook and E-2-Ink. He won Eastoftheweb's 2002 non-fiction competition. A novel, "Vigilantes East," was recently issued by Publish America and a second one, "An Accountable Death," is serialized on 3amMagazine. He is co-editor of the sold-out issue of "A Gathering of Memories, Saugus 1900-2000," for which he and committee borrowed $60,000 to have the book printed and paid the loan off in five weeks.
Contact Tom Sheehan at: tomsheehan@attbi.com